
new glasses

it's been two years since my last eye exam. it'd put it off longer, except my frames broke back in november, and for the past few months, i've just been supergluing the arm back on if it snaps off due to rough housing with the kiddo. i also signed up for a vision plan through work, so i had to wait until the 1st of the year for it to kick in. of course, the 1st comes and goes and my parents come and go (which would have been an opportune time to get my eye exam), but finally i set the appointment, got my eye exam and a new pair of glasses. after just over a week, they arrived at the optometrist's office monday and we picked them up. thanks to insurance, i only paid about 1/3rd the total cost.
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sunday afternoon stroll

during our first pregnancy, p and i would take a few hours each weekend day and head out for a walk... some of them turning out to be longer expeditions that planned. so far this time, we haven't really been out and about much... partly due to laziness, partly due to wanting to keep aiden napping inside and not in the jogger, and partly due to a cold and winter six weeks from xmas through the end of january.

this past weekend was a nice one, well, sunday was; saturday was quite blustery. so sunday after lunch, we packed aiden into the jogger for his nap time and p and i headed out for a walk. we decided to head up to the cingular store to discuss our rate plan and see how we could get it lowered. after some discussion, we signed up for a 550 minute plan, got 2 new phones for 50USD and discovered that we get a 12% discount on our bill each month since i work for a company that has a deal w/cingular for cellphone service. turned out to be a good first half of our walk.

the second half wasn't as eventful. we meandered in and out of a couple of stores in the shopping area north of our house (disappointing area... but some things to browse non-the-less). we then headed to ks for a few groceries; on tap for that night's dinner was pork wontons, so we got some ground pork, wonton wrappers and some salad greens.