
re-organizing the garage

a few weeks ago p mentioned that the garage was looking a bit cluttered with baby stuff hanging in one corner, bikes in another, and just general crap on the walls. so last night, after putting boo to bed and starting a roast, i headed to the garage for some spring organizing... ignoring what needed to be done inside, of course.
there is a dead space above the garage door, so i decided to hang the infant car seats, bouncy chair and exersaucer in that area. honestly, that's about all i did. inbetween hangings, i patched a few tubes and condemned one due to a tear... which i eventually used to secure the exersaucer.
oh... and then i moved a few things around.
tonight, i'm thinking of taking some standing wood shelves and hanging them off the wall... if the span of 2x4's is equivalent to the span of the shelving post. i would also like to hang some extra sets of wheels from the roof instead of having them up behind the bikes... we'll see if i have enough hooks for that. it may be a trip to the home depot for me this coming weekend.


follow-up to the red truck

i failed to blog two weeks ago that on a commute a few days after getting smoked out, the oversized red truck with 18-wheeler verticle mufflers passed me yet again. this time, however, there was no blowing of smoke or anything. just another vehicle passing me as i rode to work. i wonder if there may have been a sense of respect or just plain accepting the fact that there are people who ride to work when they can. if only i were able to commute by bike every day, but due to the demands of family life and juggling schedules and a little boy, driving the car is necessary.