
story time... at 2 o'clock AM

this morning, i woke up to the cries of the little one. p was already awake and had been for about 3 hrs feeding apk - crazy. he'll feed, fall asleep, wake up and feed all within matters of minutes and continue this pattern for hours on end. and thankfully, there has always been an end, for an hour or two. this time, though, he didn't seem interested in food, just wanted to fuss. so after a diaper change and a couple paces in the apartment, i put him in his bouncy chair and read him a story, 2 to be precise. the first one was a barney book. yes, that's right, barney. my cousin from nj sent us a care package that included four books and barney's easter parade was one of them. so poor, i must say, the writing and rythming. couldn't believe i actually read the whole thing. but, it did the trick as far as pacifying the little one for some time. i asked my dad to retrieve some children books from their bookshelves and bring them with when they visit on sunday. i can't wait. if i have to read that barney book again, i don't know what i'll do.


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